Chang Kah Loon

Chang Kah Loon
Chartered Logistician (UK) * Certified Professional Logistician (Aust) * Certified Transport Planner (Aust) * 特许物流师 * 特许交通规划师

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

总说,妈妈是最强的... 最关心我们的
感谢她... 她暖呼呼的照顾方式
母亲节, 表达你真诚的母亲节问候... 让她微笑

She balances so many roles and does it all with a smile
She is your friend and is also your caring Mummy
She has her hand full and her heart is overflowing with love
Just show your sincere appreciation for her
on this Special Day...

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